We want to be as focused on forming and filling our current people as we are on finding new people. The people Christ causes to be found among us grow our width, while the people He causes to be formed and filled grow our depth as a church and their maturity as disciples, better equipping us all to flow Christ's riches into the world near and far.
What is a disciple? Simply put, a disciple is a follower of Jesus. More specifically, we define a disciple as an individual who has surrendered his or her life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and who now seeks to live for Jesus by stewarding well what God has given, seeking an ever-deepening understanding of and obedience to God's Word, and loving all people through service and sharing the gospel.
Life Groups are our intentional outlet for making disciples in obedience to our Lord's command (Mt. 28:18-20). The concept is simple: we encourage all of our adult members and regular attendees to spend life together as they gather weekly in small groups throughout the year for fellowship, study, and prayer. Check out the Common Questions & Answers below for more details.